Classes (Pre-Registration Required)

Classes are available from Monday, August 5th till Friday, 9th in Adult Mixed Instrument, Amhránaíocht, Banjo, Bodhrán, Button Accordion, Comhrá, Concertina, Fiddle, Flute, Foundation, Harp, Harp Accompaniment, Piano Accompaniment, Piano Accordion, Rince ar an Sean Nós, Traditional Singing, Uilleann Pipes, & Whistle. Masterclasses will also be available to all students.

Recitals, Concert & Seisiún Mór

  • Afternoon Recitals: TBA
  • Scoil Éigse Tutor Concert: TBA
  • Seisiún Mór na hÉigse: TBA

Club Éigse

Join us for an opportunity to play along with some of our tutors. Club Éigse features many popular session tunes.


Early Fee
(applies until July 22nd at 11:59pm [UTC+1])
Late Fee
(applies from July 23rd at 12am to July 29th at 12pm [UTC+1])
First Family Member €160 €170
Second Family Member €150 €160
Additional Family Member €130 €140
Family Unit Fee (Max 7 Persons) €600 €650
*Scholarship Application Fee - €110 (Qualifiers to Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann of solo competitions in 12-15 and 15-18 age categories. Note this rate is not included as part of family member reductions in relation to fees.)

Application for Classes

  • Classes are available from August 5th - 9th, 2024 (Monday - Friday). The minimum age is 8. No beginner classes available.
  • There will be a Foundation class for students with disabilities. There is no registration fee for this class. Email for registration information.
  • The data provided by you below may be kept for up to a year, but will only be used for Scoil Éigse purposes.
  • Please check for confirmation via email.
  • The following classes are already full (* indicates Wait List available): Adult Mixed Instrument.


1st Family Member

Comhaltas may reproduce photos, video footage, images etc. of you, either individually or as part of a group and may also assign reproduction and other rights of these to a third party.